We believe in the power of prayer. If you have a prayer request, no matter how big or small, we are ready to bring your needs straight to the throne of God.
Please complete the form below and we will fervently pray for you with full expectation that God will hear us.
Please let us know if we need to keep your information confidential, or if we can place it on our prayer list for all of the church to pray along with you.
- Please join the CME Connectional Prayer Line! Every weekday morning, in our own time zone (and in time zones across the U.S.), praying starts by 6:30 AM. If that’s too late for you, join the Eastern Zone people in prayer by dialing in at 5:30; or in those hours are too early for you, join the Mountain Zone or the Pacific Zone people in prayer at 7:30 AM or 8:30 AM.
This is the number to call: 605-468-8885; then enter the code – 616984#. These morning prayers are coordinated by our Connectional Prayer Coordinator, the Reverend Bonita Collins-Hobbs, and sponsored by the General Department of Evangelism and Missions.